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Silsbee High School Graduate Profile

A graduate profile should incorporate the expectations that educators have for students.

What expectations do we have for each graduate of Silsbee Independent School District?

If we begin with our students as they enter Kindergarten and develop a list of expectations for them as they progress grade by grade until graduation, there are possibly seven general areas we would consider—

  • A responsible decision maker
  • A confident life-long learner
  • A healthy individual
  • A literate communicator
  • An informed citizen
  • A productive worker
  • A well-rounded individual

How would students demonstrate they were successful in these areas?

A responsible decision maker:

  • Uses creative problem-solving and conflict resolution skills effectively
  • Uses critical thinking, knowledge and reasoning to effectively evaluate information and make sound decisions.

A confident life-long learner:

  • Demonstrates mastery of skills in the core content areas
  • Analyzes, evaluates, and applies new information
  • Is an inquisitive self-learner

A healthy individual:

  • Practices emotional and physical wellness, including nutrition, hygiene, sexual responsibility, and physical fitness
  • Demonstrates responsible life management skills in social, interpersonal and family relationships
  • Manages time, money, environmental and other resources in a responsible and effective manner

A literate communicator:

  • Is proficient in academic and technological skills
  • Effectively expresses ideas using a variety of methods, including written and spoken languages, mathematics, science and the arts
  • Is Multilingual
  • Uses appropriate social and interpersonal skills to effectively communicate in a global society

An informed citizen:

  • Promotes democratic principles in a multicultural society
  • Demonstrates patriotism and citizenship through community service and participation in the democratic process
  • Understands, respects, and values all cultures

A productive worker:

  • Generates quality goods and services
  • Demonstrates adaptability
  • Leadership and participation skills
  • Takes ownership of his/her future through goal setting, decision making, and efforts aimed at continual improvement

A well-rounded individual:

  • Is guided by honorable values, morals, and ethics
  • Demonstrates an appreciation of, and participation in, the arts
  • Displays genuine global, cultural, and spiritual awareness and respect
  • Is accountable for his/her actions

If we concentrated on these general areas and worked to ensure that our students had the necessary skills, what would it require?

  • Educating the entire community
  • Parental Involvement
  • Students with a strong foundation
  • All Educators working as a team (from kindergarten to high school and everything in between)
  • Each grade level responsible for knowledge and skills, or one of the building blocks.
  • Educators building on what the students were taught the previous year.