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Recruitment Procedures Plan

Silsbee Early College High School is committed to serving the district’s students who are at-risk of dropping out of school and who might not otherwise go to college by creating an environment promoting student confidence, success and free from discrimination. Our recruitment and admissions activities are founded on providing advice, guidance and support for students and parents to enable them to make informed decisions about their selected path of study.

To secure the broadest applicant pool possible, Silsbee ECHS will establish an annual recruiting process at the middle school and high school levels in Silsbee ISD. All students enrolled in the eighth grade at Silsbee ISD will be provided ECHS enrollment information. Information via flyers and brochures about the ECHS program will be provided to counselors on both campuses who will then distribute to students. The ECHS Administrative team will host Parent Informational Nights for interested eighth grade parents.

A timeline of events will be created to inform all stakeholders of upcoming activities and events. The timeline will be communicated in a timely manner and widely distributed.

Recruitment and enrollment information will be communicated to the community through the local media, newspapers and distributed to key communication centers locally. Printed materials for both recruitment and enrollment will be made available in both Spanish and English. The recruitment and enrollment process, along with the timeline, will be provided on the Silsbee ISD ECHS webpage. 

Silsbee ISD’s recruitment and enrollment process and requirements shall not exclude or discourage the enrollment of any of the subpopulations of at-risk students. The enrollment decisions of the district shall not be based on state assessment scores, discipline history, teacher recommendations, or minimum grade point average. Each step of the recruitment and enrollment process will include key stake holders, encompassing students, counselors, principals, parents, school board and community members.

Recruitment and enrollment procedures will be reviewed annually by the ECHS Advisory Team and will include input from key stakeholders.